About Us

Welcome to XaamAdda!

This Website Is created to help students in achieving their goal. During Civil Services Exam preparation, Aspirants face many difficulties due to shortage of good study materials. Like, the students who are financially weak, cannot join expensive coaching. They even cannot afford expensive study materials with no guarantee of including complete study materials. So XaamAdda, provide best study materials by contacting top institute in India and various toppers. We also share my tips and strategy with students in this blog.

A Word from XaamAdda Team,

We have all heard the sound of a clock. Have you ever stopped to think about what it means ? There are two fixed points in your life – Birth & Death. What happens in between that, is under your control. It’s the only thing under your control. Now we have no idea , what the distance between birth and death is going to be. And you have heard the story so many times. Somebody gets really bad news , they find out they have got life threatening cancer. They have got a few months to live, they quit their job , sell all their possessions and go volunteering in far off country. Giving back to other people , spending time with the people important to them. And spending time doing the things that really matter the most. So why is it that we wait for such a massive moment for us to take massive action? What if you could change everything today? What if you could change everything in an instant? Right now. What if change could happen. So dear students stay connected with XaamAdda.

All the Best


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