Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes

upendra gaur sociology notes

Upendra Gaur sociology notes are basically study materials for the optional subject of sociology in the UPSC civil services examination, which is one of the most prestigious and competitive exams in India.

The UPSC exam consists of three stages: preliminary, main, and interview.

The main exam has nine papers, out of which two are optional papers. The candidates can choose one optional subject from a list of 26 subjects, and sociology is one of them.

The sociology optional has two papers: paper 1 and paper 2.

Paper 1 covers the fundamentals of sociology, such as sociological theories, methods, thinkers, and concepts.

Paper 2 covers the sociology of India, such as social structure, social change, social movements, and social problems.

Upendra Gaur is a renowned sociology teacher. He has been teaching sociology for more than 20 years and has helped thousands of students to crack the UPSC exam with sociology optional.

Upendra Gaur Sir, is known for his simple and comprehensive explanation of sociological concepts and theories, as well as their relevance to the Indian context and current affairs.

He also updates his notes regularly with the latest developments and trends in sociology and society.

Upendra Gaur sociology notes are available in various formats, such as paperback books, spiral-bound notes, printed notes, and PDF files.

The sociology notes are prepared by Upendra Gaur himself, based on his classroom lectures and notes.

Upendra sir sociology notes cover both paper 1 and paper 2 of the sociology syllabus and are divided into four booklets.

upendra gaur sociology notes
upendra gaur sociology notes

The Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes are popular among UPSC aspirants for their quality and affordability.

Upendra sir classroom notes can be purchased online from various sources, such as Amazon, XaamAdda, Flipkart, and Vision IAS. I have provided the links to these sources in my previous message.

upendra gaur sociology notes

Benefits Of Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes

Some of the benefits of these notes are:

#1- The Upendra gaur sociology notes can help you to prepare for the sociology optional in the UPSC civil services examination, which is one of the most scoring and interesting subjects among the optional choices.

#2- Upendra sir classroom notes can help you to understand the sociological perspective and apply it to the Indian society and its various issues and challenges, such as caste, class, gender, religion, ethnicity, development, democracy, etc.

#3- Upendra sir sociology notes can help you to enhance your analytical and critical thinking skills and improve your answer writing by providing you with examples, case studies, diagrams, and flowcharts to illustrate your points and arguments.

#4- Upendra sir classroom notes can help you to stay updated with the current affairs and link them with the sociological concepts and theories, which is essential for the UPSC exam.

#5- The Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes can help you to save your time and energy by providing you with a concise and comprehensive study material that covers the entire sociology syllabus and is easy to revise before the exam.

Benefits of Choosing Sociology As Optional Subject

Some of the benefits of choosing sociology as an optional subject for the UPSC exam that make it one of the most popular and best optional subjects among the aspirants are:

#1- Sociology has a shorter and concise syllabus compared to other optional subjects, which makes it easier to cover and revise.

#2- Sociology is easy to understand and score well, as it does not require any prior academic background or specialized knowledge. It is a social science that studies the society that we are part of.

#3- Sociology has a lot of relevance and overlap with the general studies papers, especially paper 1, which covers topics such as Indian society, women empowerment, social empowerment, communalism, secularism, urbanization, and globalization. Sociology helps to understand these topics from a sociological perspective and apply them to the Indian context.

#4- Sociology also helps in essay writing, as it provides wider dimensions and diverse viewpoints on various social, political, and economic issues. Sociology helps to link the current affairs with the sociological concepts and theories, and use examples, case studies, diagrams, and flowcharts to illustrate the points and arguments.

#5- Sociology also helps in the interview stage, as it enhances the awareness of the problems of society, various social issues, and their impact on governance. Sociology helps to give impressive answers during the interview by using sociological insights and data.

Subject Included in Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes

The sociology optional subject topics that are included in Upendra Gaur sociology notes are:

Paper 1:

This paper covers the fundamentals of sociology, such as sociological theories, methods, thinkers, and concepts. The topics are:

#1- Sociology: The Discipline: This topic deals with the emergence, scope, and development of sociology as a discipline. It also covers the relationship of sociology with other social sciences, such as history, economics, anthropology, psychology, etc.

#2- Sociology as Science: This topic deals with the nature, methods, and challenges of sociology as a science. It also covers the major research methods, such as observation, survey, interview, case study, etc. It also discusses the issues of objectivity, reliability, validity, and ethics in sociological research.

#3- Research Methods and Analysis: This topic deals with the techniques and tools of data collection, analysis, and interpretation in sociological research. It also covers the types and sources of data, such as primary, secondary, quantitative, qualitative, etc. It also discusses the use of statistics, graphs, tables, and charts in presenting and analyzing data.

#4- Sociological Thinkers: This topic deals with the contribution of the classical and contemporary sociological thinkers, such as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Talcott Parsons, Robert Merton, C. Wright Mills, etc. It also covers their perspectives, concepts, and theories on various aspects of society, such as class, religion, bureaucracy, social action, social structure, social system, etc.

#5- Stratification and Mobility: This topic deals with the forms, dimensions, and causes of social inequality and social mobility in society. It also covers the theories and types of stratification, such as functionalist, conflict, Marxist, Weberian, etc. It also discusses the indicators and patterns of mobility, such as caste, class, gender, race, ethnicity, etc.

 #6- Works and Economic Life, Politics and Society, Religion and Society, Systems of Kinship, Social Change in Modern Society

Paper 2

This paper covers the sociology of India, such as social structure, social change, social movements, and social problems. The topics are:

#1- Perspectives on the Study of Indian Society: This topic deals with the approaches and perspectives on the study of Indian society, such as Indology, structural-functionalism, Marxism, subaltern studies, etc. It also covers the debates and issues in the study of Indian society, such as orientalism, colonialism, nationalism, etc.

#2- Impact of Colonial Rule on Indian Society: This topic deals with the impact of colonial rule on various aspects of Indian society, such as economy, polity, culture, religion, caste, class, gender, etc. It also covers the responses and resistances of Indian society to colonial rule, such as social reform movements, nationalist movements, etc.

#3- Rural and Agrarian Social Structure: This topic deals with the nature, features, and changes of rural and agrarian social structure in India. It also covers the concepts and issues of rural and agrarian society, such as village, community, caste, class, land, labor, etc. It also discusses the challenges and prospects of rural and agrarian development, such as poverty, inequality, migration, etc.

#4- Caste System: This topic deals with the nature, features, and changes of caste system in India. It also covers the concepts and theories of caste, such as varna, jati, purity, pollution, etc. It also discusses the issues and challenges of caste, such as hierarchy, mobility, discrimination, reservation, etc.

#5- Tribal Communities in India, Social Classes in India, Systems of Kinship in India, Religion and Society, Education and Society in India, Political Processes in India, Social Movements in Modern India, Population Dynamics, Challenges of Social Transformation.

These are the sociology optional subject topics that are included in Upendra Gaur sociology notes.

How can UPSC Aspirants Use Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes Effectively?

Some of the ways you can use Upendra Gaur sociology notes effectively are:

#1- Read the upendra sir classroom notes notes thoroughly and understand the concepts and theories of sociology. Try to relate them to the Indian context and current affairs. Make notes of the important points, examples, case studies, diagrams, and flowcharts that you find in the notes.

#2- Revise the Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes regularly and test your understanding and retention of the topics. Use the previous year question papers and mock tests to practice the answer writing and time management skills. Review your answers and identify your strengths and weaknesses.

#3- Supplement the Upendra sir classroom notes with other sources of information and knowledge, such as books, journals, newspapers, magazines, websites, etc. Use these sources to update your notes with the latest developments and trends in sociology and society. Also, use these sources to enrich your answers with more data, facts, and perspectives.

#4- Discuss the Upendra sir sociology notes with your peers and mentors and exchange your views and opinions on various sociological issues and problems. Use the Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes as a base for your arguments and analysis. Also, seek feedback and guidance from your peers and mentors on how to improve your notes and answers.

#5- Enjoy the notes and sociology and develop a genuine interest and curiosity in the subject. Use the Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes as a tool to explore the society that you are part of and the society that you want to serve. Use the notes as a source of inspiration and motivation for your UPSC preparation and career.

These are some of the ways you can use Upendra Gaur sociology notes effectively and efficiently.

Why Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes Are Better Than Any Other Notes?

Upendra Gaur sociology notes are better than any other notes for the following reasons:

#1- The Upendra sir classroom notes are updated regularly with the latest developments and trends in sociology and society, which makes them relevant and current for the UPSC exam.

#2- Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes cover both paper 1 and paper 2 of the sociology syllabus and are divided into four booklets, which makes them concise and comprehensive for the UPSC exam.

#3- Upendra sir sociology notes provide a simple and comprehensive explanation of sociological concepts and theories, as well as their relevance to the Indian context and current affairs, which makes them easy to understand and score well in the UPSC exam.

#4- The Upendra sir classroom notes are affordable and easily accessible online from various sources, such as Amazon, XaamAdda, and Vision IAS, which makes them convenient and economical for the UPSC aspirants.

#5- The Upendra sir sociology notes are prepared by Upendra Gaur himself, based on his classroom lectures and notes, which makes them authentic and reliable for the UPSC exam.

#6- Upendra sir classroom notes are popular among UPSC aspirants for their quality and effectiveness, which makes them trustworthy and proven for the UPSC exam.

These are some of the reasons why Upendra Gaur sociology notes are better than any other notes for the optional subject of sociology in the UPSC civil services examination.

The Bottom Line

Upendra Gaur sociology notes are one of the best study materials for the optional subject of sociology in the UPSC civil services examination.

The upendra sir sociology notes are prepared by a renowned sociology teacher and cover both paper 1 and paper 2 of the sociology syllabus.

The Upendra Gaur Sociology Notes are updated regularly with the latest developments and trends in sociology and society.

Upendra sir classroom notes are affordable and easily accessible online from various sources.

The sociology notes are popular and effective among UPSC aspirants for their lucid and comprehensive explanation of sociological concepts and theories, as well as their relevance to the Indian context and current affairs.

The upendra sir classroom notes can help the aspirants to prepare, revise, supplement, discuss, and enjoy the subject of sociology and achieve their goal of becoming a civil servant with sociology optional.

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